Today I encountered 71 404 errors, some of which include php and css files which were related to our old website back in June 2019. Could you please advise on why this might be happening?
Just a few examples:
Installed but not activated:
wp-content/cache/busting/1/wp-content/plugins/geodir_payment_manager/assets/css/style- plugin:
wp-content/cache/min/1/wp-content/plugins/geodir-compare/includes/assets/styles-e52745a90710f5f6a04aa736a1940e47.cssInvoicing not activated yet:
wp-content/cache/min/1/wp-content/plugins/invoicing/assets/css/invoice-front-049344a33d5cbadc290d47429efd32cc.cssOld website (Geodirectory is installed now, not Tevolution):
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