U explain analytically in your blog how to appear image in search results. It should be placed on top of the article or to be featured.– My website has many paragraphs with subtitles. Every paragraph have an image. I want each paragraph image to appear in search results when a user make a search with the subtitle of a particular paragraph, NOT the featured image of the article.
– Is there any way? Where should I place each paragraph’s image? Under the Subtitle, before paragraph’s body? Somewhere else?
i.e. Article title: Best plants for sunny places
‘’Plants’’ as featured image herePragraph 1
Paragraph 2 subtitle: Geranium for full sun
‘Geranium image’’ hereWhen a user make a search: Geranium for (full) sun, I want in the search results to appear the ‘geranium image’’ next to my website’s result, NOT the general featured “Plants’’ image
Thank u!
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