Impossible de desable Search Console Extension !

  • Resolved Moimm
    Rank Math free


    Sorry, i’m french and my english is very bad ! 🙂

    I think there’re a issue with the Search console extension and the Site Kit plugin from Google !

    After to made all parameters of Site Kit plugin (connected to Search console, Google Analitycs…) i have enable the Search Console Extension of RankMath !! … now impossible to desable the RanksMath Extention (Search Console) and the Site Kit of Google not work ! 🙁

    How forcing desable of RankMath Extension “Search Console” ?

    Thx for your help !

    : )

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  • Moimm
    Rank Math free

    That work this morning … i’m not sure to know what have resolve my issue … maybe a bug with my child theme that i have “repaired”. 🙂

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Moimm.


    We are glad it is all sorted now.

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