permission issue

  • Resolved Andrew
    Rank Math free

    as I see, you guys are way too nosy. Why the heck do you need Adsense at all? Anyways, this is far beyond the expected amount of permission for sure.

    View and manage Search Console data (e.g., manage your sites, submit sitemaps)
    View your ad clients, ad units, and channels in AdSense
    View your AdSense performance and earnings reports

    Any explanation?

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  • Hello,

    Analytics and Search Console data helps Rank Math show your content inside the Rank Math stats section. Although we do not collect the AdSense data just yet, we have plans on utilizing that to show YOU the data that will help you make better decisions about your website.

    We do not store any of this data on our servers and it only transfers from Google to YOUR website – nowhere else.

    Alternatively, if you want to use your own Google App, you can follow this tutorial:

    But please stay advised that the method laid out is for advanced users only and is cumbersome.

    Hope that helps. If you have any further question(s), please let me know. Thank you.

    Understood and thanks for the response although there is always a risk when you give away such a permission for any platform, software and still it seems not so privacy friendly solution. It’s possible and the option should be given to select what functions you want to use and allow permissions only for those functions what you still feel comfortable with.

    I’ve a related question though, what about separated installations like 30 or more, all the id, Bing, Yandex etc and the same Google account permission has to be given on all of the installed plugin separately or it’ll be possible through RankMath account?


    I assume you are referring to Google verification and other Webmaster data tools. These are unique for each Website and you have to add them separately for each site, just the same way you have to verify each of your domains in GSC separately.

    Hope this helps you. Thank you.


    Yep, exactly the two section under General Settings/Webmaster Tools and Search Console. Thanks, I definitely considering to use this plugin. Keep up the good work.

    Rank Math business


    Great to hear that! Then, do you have any other questions? Or do you want us to close this thread? In any case, we will be here if you have any other questions or issues in the future.

    Looking forward to help you.

    Actually I also got this ‘API Error: HTTP 400 error.’ I suspect it’s something with https redirection in my .htaccess files like this particular function in the plugin is trying to check the website on http and my setup always responds with https while the plugin connected to your server is looking for http only. Something similar what I can imagine but let me know what could be an issue. I checked other cases and I’ve no blacklisting.
    Should I open another case about this issue?

    Ohh I forgot, also in Google Search Console, the sitemap is given in http by Rank Math while it appears inside the plugin as https.

    Hm, sorry about this but forget the 400 error, it was caused by my maintenance page forcing. What I still not understand is the sitemap in Google Search Console, why is it given in http? Probably I can manually give the https sitemap however I assume the plugin itself should handle and force everything in https whenever it’s possible isn’t it?
    Anyways, again, sorry for the multiple messages. Let me know if there is any opinion and solution to this http sitemap issue. Thanks!


    Thank you for the follow up.

    Could you please check the following:
    1. Is the sitemap working fine in your browser? You can check that by going domain(.)com/sitemap_index.xml

    If the sitemap is working fine, you can try validating it on this link:

    If the validation works, please move to the second point.

    2. Have you verified the correct version of your website on Google? Please check if you have verified the www (or non-www) and https (or http) version of your website. If there is a mismatch, please fix that.

    3. Finally, make sure you have cleared the cache and excluded Google bot from seeing a cached version of your sitemap.

    Please note that you should submit only the main sitemap URL(sitemap_index.xml) in your GSC in the correct version of your domain.

    Looking forward to helping you. Thank you.


    Since we did not hear back from you for 15 days, we are assuming that you found the solution. We are closing this support ticket.

    If you still need assistance or any other help, please feel free to open a new support ticket, and we will be more than happy to assist.

    Thank you.

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