Links to pages redirect to home page

  • Resolved Bart de Vreede
    Rank Math free


    I installed and configured Rank Math and after checking my website, I noticed that links to other pages redirect to the home page. I can’t seem to find what setting is causing this. De-activating Rank Math solves the issue.

    Can you please point me in the right direction what could have caused this or how I can uninstall Rank Math, removing all database tables and re-installing it to see if I can get this fixed?

    Any help is much appreciated!

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  • Hello,

    Thank you for contacting Rank Math and sorry for any inconvenience that might have been caused due to that.

    Please try the following:

    1: Could you please head over to Rank math > General Settings > Redirections and switch the fallback behavior, if set to homepage switch it to default 404 then check the pages again. Let us know if the pages lead to 404, you can also share some of the affected URLs

    2. If the above doesn’t seem to be the state of your pages, Head over to Rank math > General Settings > Links and disable the option to redirect attachments. Save this then head back to your pages and check if they still redirect to homepage. If the don’t, then it it likely you have attachments with similar URLs to the pages.

    Let us know if the issue persists so we can look into this further.

    Looking forward to helping you. Thank you.


    Dear Michael,

    Thank you for getting back to me. Much appreciated. In the mean time I found a piece of code to paste in my functions.php file erasing all Rank Math settings from the database, allowing me to start from scratch. Most likely I ticked a box somewhere, not realizing this was going to be the result and wanted to start using your tool asap helping me to optimize for SEO.


    Thank you for the follow up.

    Let us know if you need any further assistance from us.

    Looking forward to helping you. Thank you.


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