I need help with setup

  • Resolved Marc
    Rank Math free

    I’ve had a mobile technology blog for several years but I’m not an expert in SEO and I think I’m doing something wrong. I think my most recent links are not being indexed and if I try to do Google searches they don’t show up what I’m looking for.

    I’m desperate about this and I don’t know if I’m setting it up right anymore. I need help to get articles (especially the most recent ones) to appear in Google, please.

    I have only recently been using Rank Math. I also don’t know if my robots.txt file is configured correctly.

    Please, if someone can help me I would appreciate it very much.

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  • Alberto
    Rank Math business


    Thank you for getting in touch and I am extremely sorry about the trouble this might have caused.

    I will share with you a small guide we recommend to check to determine why it doesn’t index. If after that, you still have questions, just let us know and we will help you

    There are a few things you must check for in order to see why the posts aren’t getting indexed.

    1. Make sure the post is not selected as ‘noindex’ in WP > Posts > Your Post > Advanced Tab in Rank Math.

    Individual Post Advanced Tab

    2. Ensure that the noindex is not selected for Global or Posts meta:

    Noindex Settings

    3. Check the sitemap settings and check if the posts are setup to be included in the sitemaps:

    Post Settings

    Please note that it is completely upto Google if they want to index or not index your website. So, if you haven’t willingly or accidentally made your posts noindex and Google still isn’t indexing your page – it means that either Google doesn’t want to index or hasn’t crawled your page yet because it hasn’t allocated that much crawl budget to your website.

    Please check this website for more details.

    Hope that helps and please do not hesitate to let us know if you need our assistance with anything else.

    Rank Math free

    Hello Alberto, thank you very much for taking the time for this little tutorial. I’ve checked my settings and it seems that they are exactly as you proposed (although your screenshots are from an older version).

    But I have a curiosity, what does the “Advanced Metadata for Robots” section do?

    I have been investigating a little about the problem and I think I have some answers. Less than a week ago I changed the theme for a more current one (the other one was 7 years old and it wasn’t updated much) and I started using another SEO plugin.

    From what I saw in Google Search Console there are many links that have not been indexed because the previous theme was not sufficiently adapted to the new “standards”. So from seeing that, I guess one of the problems is that Google still hasn’t fully indexed the new sitemap nor crawled the “new site” (theme, .js, .css…).

    On the other hand, I’ve read that the time that passes between the time you publish an article and it appears in Google’s results (it can be days or weeks) varies according to the age of the site, the frequency of publication and other variables that I don’t know. Is that correct? Is there any option to speed up those times?

    I discovered the “instant indexing” plugin from Rank Math a couple of days ago, I have used it with new publications and I have not seen much improvement, at most I have seen that maybe it is indexed and appears the same day after many hours, but it is not (almost) instant as they say.


    > what does the “Advanced Metadata for Robots” section do?

    The Advanced tab helps you customize the robots meta tags. You can choose to noindex a page completely or you can choose to No Archive it which means your website will be indexed but will not be cached. Other options do other things and all the details are provided here:

    I’ve read that the time that passes between the time you publish an article and it appears in Google’s results (it can be days or weeks) varies according to the age of the site, the frequency of publication and other variables that I don’t know. Is that correct?

    That is correct. If your website is not updated much, Google will take weeks to crawl your website, and then it will take more time to index it further. The only way to speed this up is by using the manual indexing request:

    The indexing API is for live streaming and job posting websites. It might work for others but Google only recommends it for those two types of websites only.

    Hope that helps and please do not hesitate to let us know if you need our assistance with anything else.


    Since we did not hear back from you for 15 days, we are assuming that you found the solution. We are closing this support ticket.

    If you still need assistance or any other help, please feel free to open a new support ticket, and we will be more than happy to assist.

    Thank you.

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