Category ID’s

  • Resolved CS-ILCK
    Rank Math pro


    Is it possible to stop a sites category ID’s from not being scanned?

    I’ll share some of the urls below.


Viewing 7 replies - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
    Rank Math pro


    Sorry to press but is this possible through the plugin?

    Thanks for your help!


    Thanks for reaching out to support.

    You can set all your categories to noindex by heading over to WP Dashboard > Rank Math > Titles & Meta select the category and then set the robots meta to noindex.
    You can then disable this on a category by category basis via the advanced tab on the Rank Math metabox when editing the category.

    Hope that helps.

    Rank Math pro


    I have updated the sensitive data as requested. Can you please check further?

    Thank you.

    Rank Math pro

    Hi Uzair

    Many thanks for your reply.

    I’ve shared a video in the Sensitive Data section showing the different options I have selected.

    These don’t appear to make any difference tbh. Cookiebot, which is scanning the site still sees these additional category pages that are not really accessible via the front-end.

    Please let me know if I’ve misunderstood your instruction.

    Thanks again

    Michael Davis
    Rank Math pro


    Could you please share some of the category URLs so we can check from our end.

    Looking forward to helping you. Thank you.


    Rank Math pro

    Hi Michael

    Thanks for the quick response.

    ‘I think’ this issue has been resolved with the initial changes. When Cookiebot scanned again it did list fewer pages.

    Will come back if that’s incorrect.

    Thanks for your help!


    Michael Davis
    Rank Math pro


    We are glad we could help you.

    If you do have another question in the future, please feel free to create a new forum topic, and it will be our pleasure to assist you again.

    Thank you.

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