HTML Prefix – Occuring Twice In Rankmath

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  • Hello,

    Thank you for contacting the support and sorry for any inconvenience that might have been caused due to that.

    Your pages seem to have duplicate open graph meta. Rank math adds the open graph data by default but it seems another plugin or your theme is also adding open graph tags which is likely the cause of the issue.

    To determine which one, assuming you are using the latest version of all the plugins and the themes (please update if not yet), please follow this troubleshooting guide:

    Please let us know if you find the culprit.

    Only the site admin would know and your users won’t be affected by this troubleshooting.

    As for the social meta settings, multiple Social meta options were removed as they are not required anymore for the Knowledge Graph by Google & Bing. You should only the Facebook & Twitter options in the latest Rank math plugin version.

    Hope that helps. If you have any further question(s), please let us know. Thank you.

    John Caines
    Rank Math pro

    Hi Michael,
    Many thanks for your reply,

    Regarding finding the culprit.
    It’s definately the theme as I only have 8 plugins activated, and none would do this.
    Image of plugins below;

    So it’s the Avada theme (which is the biggest selling of all time for WP) must be adding this by default.
    How can we get over this error please?

    Is there anyway to update your plugin, so it looks to see if there is already an instance of an open graph meta, so it doesn’t add a duplicate?
    It really shouldn’t be adding a second OG meta, especially seeing as the theme by default is adding this.

    I really need to get over this issue.
    If you can advise please
    Many thanks Michael
    Best regards
    John C

    Michael Davis
    Rank Math pro


    Thank you for the follow up.

    That is quite a considerable functionality. I’ve forwarded your suggestion to the dev team.

    At the moment you can use the following filter to remove open graph data added by Rank math:

     * Hook to remove og:tags
    add_action( 'rank_math/head', function() {
    	remove_all_actions( 'rank_math/opengraph/facebook' );
    	remove_all_actions( 'rank_math/opengraph/twitter' );

    If your suggestions are something that we’re able to introduce, I’ll be sure to let you know.

    We hope that helps. If there’s anything else we can help you with, please let us know.

    John Caines
    Rank Math pro

    Hi Michael,
    Many thanks for your reply and your suggested filter code to remove the OG data added by RankMath.
    I believe this would be an issue as if I add this code to my website, ‘All’ OG data would disappear, so I would then also lose all my OG cards for all pages?
    (Image link)

    I understand that RankMath is a very thorough, complete and deep plugin that includes a lot of extensive programming code for it to function the way it does.

    That said, I did have Yoast SEO Plugin installed before with my Avada theme and I never got this issue flagged by checkbot SEO chrome extension etc.

    I don’t want to revert back to Yoast plugin, as I believe RankMath is much better and offers more SEO features than Yoast did, but seeing as RankMath is a SEO plugin, it shouldn’t be causing SEO issues in the source code.

    I really hope you can fix this issue as I mentioned before. My Avada theme is very popular (biggest selling WordPress theme) so many other RankMath users will probably have this issue as well.

    If you can confirm if your suggested filter will remove the OG cards as illustrated by my image?
    If you can also let me know Michael if this will be a bugfix that your developers can see to with some urgency as it is a SEO bug, and of course RankMath is a SEO plugin!

    Many thanks again Michael for your help here.
    I really hope the RankMath team can sort this.
    Best regards
    John C


    We see that your theme is adding the prefix tag for OG and Rank Math is doing that as well.

    The only way to fix this issue automatically is by adding code in the plugin to look for Avada theme and then disable the prefix OG tag if a user has both Avada and Rank Math enabled. We will see if it makes sense to add this extra product-specific code in the plugin or if it is better to offer a filter that users can use if their theme is already adding the prefix. The filter my colleague gave you will remove all social tags essentially rendering the social tab useless so I would not recommend going that route.

    In the meantime, it is also worth checking with your theme provider and see if they offer an option to disable the tag within the theme.

    We will check this from our end as well.

    About the missing social meta options, those were removed from the plugin a few updates ago.

    We removed the Social Meta options for “sameAs” Schema because Google doesn’t use it anymore. It is like the keyword meta tags that many webmasters spend extra time on but it is also ignored by Google and there is zero advantage of having the sameAs code just like there is zero advantage if you have the meta keywords on your website.

    Google has changed a lot and they get more intelligent every passing minute with AI and countless algorithm they have in place. They pick the Social profiles from across the web and they do not need you to have the “sameAs” tag to show the social profiles in your Knowledge Panel.

    Here is an example you can confirm from your end as well.

    If you search for “Walmart”, these are all the social profiles you see:

    Go to their website and you will notice that they don’t have a single “sameAs” tag:

    You can run it through Google Rich Results test as well and notice they don’t have any Schema for those social profiles:

    As you can see, the social profiles are shown in the knowledge panel not because you have the “sameAs” code, but rather because you are an established brand with a strong social media presence.

    This is why we removed the “sameAs” tags in Rank Math and here are links from Google and Bing that essentially tell you that having sameAs tags doesn’t affect the addition or removal of social profiles from your knowledge panel:
    (screenshot for reference: )


    The Twitter and Facebook fields are still there because they are used for “OpenGraph” and “Twitter Cards” code that we bring in your website’s source code.

    Hope that helps and please do not hesitate to let us know if you need our assistance with anything else.

    John Caines
    Rank Math pro

    Hi Uzair,
    Many thanks for your reply.

    I think my next step is to raise a support ticket with Avada theme support.
    I’ll update you in due course.

    Again many thanks for looking into this for me, I really appreciate your time spent on this issue Uzair

    I’ll get back to you as soon as I get an answer from Avada.
    Yours sincerely
    John C


    It sounds good.

    We have also marked this for improvement and the least we can do is offer a filter for disabling the output of that tag if you do not want to print that from Rank Math.

    We will update you when we make progress.

    Thank you.

    John Caines
    Rank Math pro

    Hi Support.
    I finally have this sorted now.
    I contacted Avada support, here’s there reply,. and I attach screenshot

    Hello John

    Thanks for getting in touch with us. My name is Muhammad Hassan and I’ll be your assigned support rep.

    The simple solution to the whole situation is to disable Open Graph Meta Tags in Theme Options -> Advanced -> Theme Features section so the Rank Math open graph meta can work. I have disabled in your website and double prefix issue is gone and now you can define open graph meta in Rank Math plugin without any issues ->

    Thank you

    So all is good now in checkbot, no duplicate prefix being shown now.

    Many thanks for all your help here

    I got there in the end! 🙂
    Have a great day
    Best regards
    John C


    We are glad that it is all sorted now.

    If you need help with anything else, please open a new support ticket here so we can help:

    We are always here for assistance.

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