
  • Resolved Alberto
    Rank Math free

    Hi, I just installed Rank Math on my new site MOVED TO SENSITIVE DATA SECTION which I manage with the Astra theme and Elementor, it happens that in the post when including the breadcrumb block it only appears:

    Home/post and the category is not shown,

    I want to achieve displayed: Home/category/post/

    Thank you very much

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by Alberto.
    • This topic was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by Alberto.
Viewing 3 replies - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)
  • Alberto
    Rank Math business

    Hi Alberto,

    Thanks for getting in touch with us.

    You can choose to show the category link in your breadcrumbs at WordPress Dashboard > Rank Math > General Settings > Breadcrumbs > Show Category

    Enable that option:

    Hope that helps and please do not hesitate to let us know if you need our assistance with anything else.

    Rank Math free

    has been resolved, thank you very much

    Rank Math business

    Hello Alberto,

    We are super happy that this resolved your issue. If you have any other questions in the future, know that we are here to help you.

    If you don’t mind me asking, could you please leave us a review (if you haven’t already) on about your overall experience with Rank Math? We appreciate your time and patience.

    If you do have another question in the future, please feel free to create a new forum topic, and it will be our pleasure to assist you again.

    Thank you.

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