
  • Resolved Gegregeo
    Rank Math free

    I would like to ask some questions about your tool. I will appreciate your help!

    1) I read your article about how to show images in search results.

    In paragraph 2 you refer to place an image at the top of the page, using a wordpress block +
    In paragraph 4 you refer to set image as featured.

    In order an image to set as featured, should be used the ‘featured image’ button from wordpress ‘post’ tab. But in this way the image is not placed inside the article when I am in backend. It only appears at the top in the frontend (logged of admin panel).
    So if I place the first image using WP block + at the top as you suggest
    the second using the featured image way, there will placed two images at the top

    So, in order to appear in search results, should be there two images in the article one on the top and one featured in the body? Which one is going to appear, IN CASE google decides to show an image in SERPs?
    Should be added only one, but which of the two above ways?

    2) There are meta titles and meta descriptions in Gutenberg and Rank Math also. Should I put the same descriptions in those fields or they should be different? Or I use only Rank Maths’ fields, then its unnecessary to fill in Gutenberg’s fields too?

    3) In your article: How to Verify Your Website on Google » Rank Math, in the second paragraph you refer that it is possible to verify a website automatically WITHOUT use the ‘Domain’ or ‘URL prefix’ verification (manually)method in the google account.

    So, I followed the automatically way, I just gave directly my gmail (without prior verification), but even it says that RM has already some access to my google account and 9 services, my website has not connected and the ”Search Console” button is red. Moreover in the ”Site’ drop-down menu there is no option (it is blank). What causes this problem?

    4) In Seo Analyzer module, in the SEO report, at ‘Failed tests’ tab, there is a report about H1 heading that there are many H1 headings in the homepage. But those H1 headings are the titles of the articles, which you refer in your blog that they should be in H1 heading while writing the articles in Gutenberg editor.
    Therefore how is possible the titles in homepage have another heading other than H1, since they ‘derived’ from Gutenberg editor? Is there any way to change the headings in homepage?

    5) Do AI generated images from reliable tools like Chatgpt4 can be showed in search results?
    Can AI images affect negatively the website ranking?
    Do those AI images needs credit to the tool?

    6) How often Rank Math creates sitemaps automatically and send them to google search console?

    Thank you!

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  • Hello,

    Thank you so much for getting in touch.

    1. This depends on the current theme you are using. Some themes don’t add the featured image in the content but most themes do.

    However, one image is enough. We don’t recommend adding the same image twice in the content as that will cause duplication issues. If your theme does support adding the featured image anywhere in the content, you can ignore the steps from the KB guide or, you can customize your theme to ensure the images are automatically added on top of the content.

    2. If you have custom meta fields, we suggest you disregard those to avoid duplication of meta. We recommend focusing adding the meta via Rank Math.

    3. You will have to provide full permission for Rank Math to access the Google Search Console. To address this issue, try reconnecting your Google account. Remove RankMath’s app from your Google apps permissions:

    Then, head over to your WordPress Dashboard > Rank Math > General Settings > Analytics and reconnect the Google service and this time, ensure that all permissions are checked:


    After that, continue the steps shown in our guide.

    4. We do recommend the H1 tag for your titles but you should only do it once. If your theme is generating more than that, you’ll have to contact your theme provider and reduce the H1 tags.

    5. Yes, you can use AI-generated images on your website. However, it’s advisable to use original or properly attributed images for credibility. AI tools like ChatGPT4 don’t require credit, but it’s good practice to acknowledge their contribution if significant.

    6. Rank Math sitemaps are generated virtually so it doesn’t create any XML file. With this in mind, the sitemaps are automatically generated and stay updated for your website whenever there are changes in your content. These updates are sent to Google Search Console regularly for indexing, ensuring your site remains up-to-date in search results

    Looking forward to helping you.

    Rank Math free

    Thank u Jeremy for your answers!

    Let me do some extra clarifications.

    1) So, it doesn’t matter which of two ways in order the image to appear in Search results?
    Either using a WordPress block or via the Featured method? It just has to be placed on the top, whatever way?

    Or the condition to be ‘Featured’ is necessary? So I have to choose only this method?

    3) I tried the way you suggested.
    I deleted Rank Math app from Google account and then tried to reconnect.

    Although the search console button is still red and again no website is available to choose in drop the down menu.
    More over when I logged in google search console no property had created there and I was asked to verify website (with Domain and URL prefix method).

    So its seems that thing u refer in the 2nd paragraph of your article ”How to Verify Your Website on Google ” is not accurate. Rank math can not verify and create property Automatically. Only manually is possible via Google Search Console website.

    I tried that way because I saw somewhere in your blog that the automatically way dont create any script in the website, so less code. But it does not work

    5) I guess reliable AI tools create only original images when asked from a user, right? If not, how can I check if robot gave me an original AI image?


    1. The only way that Google looks at the images to display them on SERPs is if they are the first suitable image on the page. So, the image that is present near the top and it’s a valid image that can be indexed it’s eligible to be displayed.

    3. To debug this issue, please add the following user to your GSC property: m*******@r***********

    You can learn how to do that here:

    When that is done, please ping us here so we can ask our developer to take a look at the integration and make sure the connection can be properly made.

    5. From our experience, that is true but when dealing with AI it’s always a good practice to double-check to make sure the image falls within the required parameters before using it.

    Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any other questions.


    1) Ok the basic thing is the image to be on top just under the title, it is enough.
    If I choose the “set featured method” it will be placed on top, but there is no way to add surrounding texts.
    If I choose to add the image on top using a block, I can add surrounding tests but then it will not be a Featured image.

    So, do u suggest any of two methods as more effective the image to appear in search results?

    3) I tried the same in a brand new website and a new Google search console account. Again the search console is red. So, apparently there is now way RM to connect it automatically, only manually. What a RM user could do if I give him/her access in my GSC. Can u guide me to try it?

    5) Basically, thats I am asking, how can I double-check to make sure the image falls within the required parameters. How can I check if AI created the same image for another website, so mine is not unique?


    Some new questions:

    6) So, only the image to be on top just under the title is enough.
    If I choose the “set featured method” it will be placed on top, but there is no way to add surrounding texts.
    If I choose to add the image on top using a block, I can add surrounding tests but then it will not be a Featured image.

    Do u suggest any of two methods as more effective the image to appear in search results?

    7) There are two ways to add Seo Title and Meta Descriptions with Rank Math.
    First with Edit Snippet button (after click General tab)
    Second with Schema Generator (after click on Schema icon) -the Headline field in this case
    Should I fill in both Edit Snippet and Schema Generator or only one?

    8) Should the title of the article and Seo title or Headline be the same or different?
    The meta description should be exact lines from the article which have the main point?
    Is better to write other lines with the main point but using different words?

    9) In paragraph 4 of the article: –> ”Image SEO – How To Optimize Images for Search in 2024” u refer about the importance of creating an image site map.

    Is Image site map a different sitemap from the normal sitemap RM regularly creates? So I have to create an image sitemap additionally?
    The image sitemap is automatically created and included in the normal RM sitemap?

    10) About permalink. In cases of short words, like prepositions etc, i.e. ”Title: ”The new space era will drive economy”

    Is it better to replace short words with one shorter, changing a bit the point, like: new-space-era-in-economy
    keep them but with a longer permalink, like

    What is your recommendation?

    11) About Elementor. It has its own optimization sector. If u click on the gear icon, opens a form with Titile, Excerpt fields etc
    Is better use Elementor optimization field when I use the Elementor for an article or even in this case its better to use the RM edit snippet?

    12) About FAQ table in the bottom of each article.
    The answers to questions of the table, is it better to be exact parts from the main body of the article or it will be considered as duplicate content?
    is it better to write as answers to the FAQ questions, parts of the article but with different words?
    What do u suggest?

    Thank u in advance!


    1. Either method will work. For Google, it doesn’t matter how the images are added. The bot just looks at the first suitable image on the page.

    3. It’s possible that there’s an issue with the connection but to debug this our developer would need to take a closer look and see where the connection is failing exactly and that requires access to GSC, hence the tutorial we shared on how to add one of our developers specialized in the Analytics module.

    5. You can do a reverse image search on Google and also check the terms and conditions of the service you are using to see what they say about the potential of generating the same image twice. Unfortunately, this is not something that our team or the plugin can assist you with.

    6. As we mentioned before, it doesn’t matter. Each method is fine as long as the image is one of the first on the page and it’s accessible to Google.

    7. The SEO metadata is not the same as the Schema markup. Those are two different things and the data you add inside the Schema markup won’t be added automatically to the metadata.

    8. That depends on the SEO strategy you are trying to implement. Some people have the same title, others prefer to have a page title different from the SEO title to perform further optimizations on the latter.

    That is pretty subjective and there’s no rule of thumb to decide.

    9. Our plugin will add the images to the sitemap if you enable those options in the sitemap settings. When you do that we don’t create a specific sitemap for the images but we include the images in the same entries as the URLs.

    10. This is another instance where it will depend on the SEO strategy you are trying to implement. The general consensus is to try and keep the permalinks somewhat short but not all pages or websites will be able to follow that rule and it’s fine as long as it fits your strategy.

    11. You should always rely on your SEO plugin of choice for those SEO-related settings. So, in this case, we recommend using Rank Math for that.

    12. It’s better to write unique content. Not because of the duplication but because your users might enjoy it better to not be reading portions of the article they already finished.

    Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any other questions.


    Since we did not hear back from you for 15 days, we are assuming that you found the solution. We are closing this support ticket.

    If you still need assistance or any other help, please feel free to open a new support ticket, and we will be more than happy to assist.

    Thank you.

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