title works on google

  • Resolved Brentbozeman
    Rank Math free


    Thought I would share this information with you guys. I’ve had some issues, and I think it might be related to cashing getting rank math to work consistently on one of these websites I’m working on now. A strange thing is happening, Google is seeing the modified changes in the title, but the description is a different description then we’re putting in the snippet. It’s very strange, and I don’t know if it’s got something to do with cashing:


    If you Google the above URL, the title snippet is showing the modifications we made in rank math, but the description is something else, I think Google is pulling it automatically, because it looks like it’s showing up like that on several of the pages. I am continuing to try to figure out how to get it to work, we have several websites that we want to use it on, and we appreciate the support.

    I also wanted to mention, they were using site ground hosting company, and they seem to be very good. If you look at:

    Number five suggests adding some information in the data HD access file for the Apache server, which I did.

    Number six item, I am unable to make that modification with psych round, because you have to have a route access in order to do that, probably a VPS solution, which is kind of aggravating that they won’t fix it if that’s the problem. Just wanted to mention that to you guys and see if you had any interaction with “Sitegroound” web hosting about that issue. Thanks in advance for all of your help we appreciate it.

    Anyway if you guys suggest maybe disabling cash programs, that might fix the issue, it’s a very strange thing, for several days actually maybe even a week or two, no changes seen by Google, I disable part of the cashing programs, and then we get the top titles but not the descriptions, very strange, again just wondering if you guys have heard anything about this.

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  • Hi,

    Thanks for getting in touch with us.

    1. First of all, I am assuming that you have already changed the SEO Meta Title and Meta Description with the help of Rank Math:

    Add a Meta Description in Classic Editor: https://i.rankmath.com/dhECkg
    Add title and description in Gutenberg: https://i.rankmath.com/ZO21Cd

    2. Then, ensure that this is the setting in the Schema tab if Rich Snippets are enabled on your website:

    To reiterate, the Schema title must show %seo_title% and the description should show %seo_description% – this will ensure your SEO title and SEO Description that you set up via Rank Math can also be used for your schema details:

    3. The next step is to check if your title/description is properly set up in the page source:

    You can use this tool for the same as well: https://www.heymeta.com/

    4. If it matches your settings, then you must check if Google has seen the changes already or not.

    For that, please check when the Google cache was updated for that page:
    a. https://i.rankmath.com/9q6X0H
    b. https://i.rankmath.com/R8N0Uh

    If the cache date is from before adding the new meta description, then you just have to wait for Google to re-crawl and re-index the page with the new info. If the date is after you made the changes,then you just have to wait it out and there is no further input needed from your end.

    Do note that if everything’s fine and Google still decides to show a different meta title/description for your search keyword, there is nothing you can do as Google sometimes ignores the custom meta info altogether and show something from the page’s content that matches the search intent better.

    Here are some of the common reasons Google might not use the meta description you provided:
    – The meta description is not relevant or useful (ie, just a collection of keywords).
    – The exact same meta description is provided across a large number of pages.
    – The meta description doesn’t match what the user is searching for, but other content on the page does.

    There is a whole article dedicated to this on SearchEngineJournal:

    Here is an example showing Google changes title depending on keyword used:

    The best you can do is optimize your meta tags to try and match the intent of the search/keyword.

    Hope that helps. If you have any further question(s), please let us know. Thank you.


    Since we did not hear back from you for 15 days, we are assuming that you found the solution. We are closing this support ticket.

    If you still need assistance or any other help, please feel free to open a new support ticket, and we will be more than happy to assist.

    Thank you.

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