Changes not seen by google

  • Resolved Brentbozeman
    Rank Math free


    I was wondering why the changes made with the program for the snippets are not being seen by Google. It has been maybe a couple of weeks since I’ve gone in and modified snippets for individual pages, but Google does not see the changes, I’m not sure if there’s a plug-in conflict, or if there’s a time frame that google spiders the pages. We appreciate your help on this, we just don’t see any of our pages snippets coming up on Google as we had modified them. We did try it on another website for a page, and the modifications took affect pretty much immediately, again this may be something related to a plug-in on our site that might be keeping rank math from allowing the snippets to be modified. Thank you for your help.

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  • I am using a plug-in called SG optimizer, from site ground. It has an option in the back in:

    Dynamic Caching
    Store your content in the server’s memory for a faster access with this full-page caching solution powered by NGINX.

    I also read on the website:
    They are suggesting, because the site maps are not updating,
    Should I try # 6 ?

    I add that to the functions.php menu? We appreciate your help so much thank you in advance.


    ​Thanks for getting in touch with us.
    You can check if your title/description is properly set up in the page source:

    You can use this tool to simulate and check if the changes you have made are reflected on your site: or

    If it matches your settings, then you must check if Google has seen the changes already or not.
    For that, please check when the Google cache was updated for that page:


    If the cache date is from before adding the new meta description, then you just have to wait for Google to re-crawl and re-index the page with the new info. If the date is after you made the changes,
    ​Do note that if everything’s fine and Google still decides to show a different meta for your search keyword, there is nothing you can do as Google sometimes ignores the custom meta info altogether.

    The best you can do is optimize your meta tags to try and match the intent of the search/keyword.

    You can read more about it here:

    Hope that helps. If you have any further question(s), please let us know. Thank you.


    Since we did not hear back from you for 15 days, we are assuming that you found the solution. We are closing this support ticket.

    If you still need assistance or any other help, please feel free to open a new support ticket, and we will be more than happy to assist.

    Thank you.

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