hi guys I have few SEO issues
1) the robots.txt file states not to crawl wp-login.php but it does somehow and am getting title duplicate errors
I see that for rankmath.com site you are getting some 3xx error or another error for these related links.. but at least not duplicates.. how did you accomplish this?2) the domain name and the canonical are not seen equal .. not 1 and the same. this creates again duplicate Titles.
couldnt find the reason why.. the domain name resolves similarly to rankmath and uses cloudflare as well.
i think i may also get 40xx error on the main site without the trailing dash2) not sure social media setup works right.. it doesnt recognize twitter and facebook also although recognized i dont think its added to the structured data
3) there are some elements missing from the schema information .. Author, etc.. where these can be setup?
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