Thanks a lot for your query and we are so sorry about the trouble this must have caused.
Could you please link us to the pages that aren’t indexed?
Also, we will need a fresh set of logins to check further.
Thank you.
Sensitive data has been edited – login info added.
As I mentioned, all 55 pages in the page sitemap show as not being indexed. None of the 4 pages in the product sitemap are showing as being indexed either. There’s no reason to send links when it’s every page on my site, aside from blog posts, that aren’t indexed, according to Rank Math SEO > Search Console > Sitemaps. You can confirm after logging in and navigating to that.
Hi Evrnu,
I can’t check all 55 pages/posts but I randomly checked a few and they are all indexed.
I have shared some screenshots in the sensitive data section so you might want to take a look.
Thank you.
You are able to check the Sitemaps tab in the Search Console. Why does it show that none of the pages or products are indexed? Also, why would I have such a huge decrease in my impressions and keyword rankings shortly after installing Rank Math SEO plugin?
Thank you for contacting Rank Math today.
Are you referring to the Rank Math search console module? If so, could you please refresh the Rank Math data by heading over to Rank Math > General Settings > Search console and delete the recent cache and then click on the Update cache manually button as shown below:

Looking forward to helping you. Thank you.
Yes. Did that. No change.
If you used the newer DNS-based verification method to verify your site in Search Console, then the submitted sitemaps list will not be available in Rank Math. Sites that have been verified using that are not accessible through the Search Console sitemaps API. Until Google adds support for that, we cannot show the Sitemaps list within your WordPress dashoard.
If you did not use the DNS verification and the submitted sitemaps are still not showing up in Rank Math > Search Console > Sitemaps, then first of all please go to Rank Math > General Settings > Search Console and click on Deauthorize, save it, and then authorize again, and save the settings once again.
You can check if the sitemap is working correctly on your site or not by visiting the sitemap_index.xml URL in your browser. You should see something like this: https://rankmath.com/sitemap_index.xml Clicking on the individual sitemaps should work too.
What you see in the Sitemaps report of the Search Console should reflect that: when you navigate to the Sitemaps report, you should see only the sitemap_index.xml listed there, and when you click on it, you should see the list of individual sitemaps included in the sitemap index.
You don’t have to submit the sitemaps manually, Rank Math should take care of that for you. If for any reason Rank Math did not submit your sitemap index correctly, then you can correct it in the Search Console manually, by submitting only the sitemap index and removing all the other sitemaps submitted.
Hope that helps.
OK. I still don’t understand why I’ve had such a decline in impressions, clicks, and keyword rankings shortly after switching from Yoast to Rank Math. Basically, my site performance has taken a huge hit after making the change, and I haven’t made any other changes to my site in the past 2 months.
Well, since we already checked you don’t have any misconfiguration on your website, it shouldn’t be due to Rank Math, it could be even some Google Update.
But you shouldn’t be worried, since you had those rankings and you haven’t done any change and you have Rank Math without any issue, your rank should go back soon.
Looking forward to help you.
Since we did not hear back from you for 15 days, we are assuming that you found the solution. We are closing this support ticket.
If you still need assistance or any other help, please feel free to open a new support ticket, and we will be more than happy to assist.
Thank you.