With sitemap enabled, update a draft post will clear all the cache of WP super cache.
This has annoyed me a lot in the past week.
My WP super cache log file:
02:39:34 18062 /wp-admin/post.php?post=380&action=edit&meta-box-loader=1&meta-box-loader-nonce=5df220bc0d&_locale=user wp_cache_post_edit: draft post, not deleting any cache files. status: draft
02:39:34 18062 /wp-admin/post.php?post=380&action=edit&meta-box-loader=1&meta-box-loader-nonce=5df220bc0d&_locale=user wp_cache_post_change: draft post, not deleting any cache files.
02:39:34 18062 /wp-admin/post.php?post=380&action=edit&meta-box-loader=1&meta-box-loader-nonce=5df220bc0d&_locale=user Clearing all cached files in wp_cache_clear_cache()This issue is gone after I disable the sitemap function. The sitemap code called
somewhere byHelper::clear_cache
by the Cache_Watcher class??
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