Thanks for getting in touch with us.
It seems like your website has been hacked.
I would recommend following these guides and get your website cleaned and secured asap
If you would like us to take a closer look for you and fix these issues for you – we would love to do so. I just need your WP and FTP logins for that. You can add them to the sensitive data section.
Hi Todd.
You are absolutely right. Unfortunately I think another 2 sites in the same server have been compromised. I am not a developer so… your offer to check it out still stands?
Hi there,
Thanks for the follow up.
I am afraid that we may not have the capacity to help with all your websites and I can suggest that you reach out to a freelancer so that they can help further.
I hope this helps. Thank you.
Nope, it doesn’t helps but thanks anyway. I understand.
I am sorry that our reply wasn’t helpful.
Yes, my offer still stands. I just need your WP logins and FTP logins so I can check the issues for you and help fix them ASAP.
Please add them in the Sensitive Data section.
Thank you.
Wow, thanks for your offer and help Todd. I was bummed out by Michaels answer so I stopped following these support ticket. Kudos to you mate!
So, to end this story, apparently the issue is resolved (contacted my hosting provider and with the help pf a friend of mine, the malware was removed) and rank math sitemap is working fine now.
With the issue resolved, now I’m ready to launch my site. Hope Rank Math helps with the organic SERP positioning =P
We are so glad to hear that it is all working now.
Please do not hesitate to let us know if you need our assistance with anything else.