Featured image not showing on facebook

  • Resolved Mirisna
    Rank Math free


    My website is on: https://mirisna.com and the featured img is not showing when posting/sharing on facebook.
    I’ve checked viw-source and I see some og-image there, but I am not sure.
    Also, Rank Math SEO Analysis says that some opengraph meta are missing, and I don’t know how to solve that.

    Thank you for any help.


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  • Anas
    Rank Math business


    Thank you for contacting Rank Math, and sorry for any inconvenience caused.

    It looks like you are using webp images on your website. webp format is not supported by og:image tag. The supported formats are png, jpeg, and gif. You can read more about this here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/sharing/webmasters/#images

    Also, the image should be of the recommended dimensions to work correctly. The recommended dimensions are 1200px X 630px.

    Please set the image of the supported format and dimensions to fix the issue.

    Hope this helps.

    Thank you.

    Hello, thank you for the reply.

    Yes, I am using webp images, but not on the featured img, and also when setting a social meta on each post I directly uploaf .jpeg img, whuch can be seen from the oage source.

    I have done conflict analysis, too, with the pkugins and the theme (Kadence) and there is no conflict – it just STOPED WORKING as worked before.

    Plus, can you please help me understand why Rank Math SEO analysis says that some ope graph tags are missing, when ecen you did not find them missing.

    I would really appreciate help.

    Thank you!

    In addition: even Twitter cards do not show featured image any more when I share the post.

    On this link https://mirisna.com/sortilege-olfactive-arts-prvi-dojam-o-novom-hrvatskom-brendu/
    I have deleted WebP images, and no change.Resized to recomnended dimensions-no change.

    The preview of Rank Math Open graph of that post shows featured image, but Fb doesn’t and Fb Debugger still says this:
    “Provided og:image URL, https://mirisna.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/IMG_20210730_172331-01-01-01-1400×859.jpeg could not be processed as an image because it has an invalid content type.”

    Also if everything is Ok and Rank Math Open Graph on that post shows Featured image,I do not understand RM Seo Analisys notice that “some OG tags are missing?”.

    Thank you!


    I can check that the image URLs on your site are returning a 404 error and that’s why the image is not working in the link preview:

    Please get in touch with your host and ask them to look into this. They should be able to figure out and fix this.

    And the SEO analysis runs the OpenGraph test only on your homepage. Please navigate to WP Dashboard > Rank Math > Status & Tools > Database Tools and Clear the SEO Analysis data. Once done, run the SEO analysis again and the issue should be resolved after that.

    Hope this helps. Let us know if you need any other assistance.


    Twitter cards not doisplaying – the whole site affected, even with ALL PLUGINS deactivated, even with the default theme.
    Glad I stopped paying for Rank Math Pro.
    Please check – I WAS your paying customer, and the help was as useless as well.
    Now at least I can not complain to the level of help. Will check on FB, trash you a little and serch for another plugin.


    Quoting the whole email from the support that crtually does their job:

    Hello Iva,

    Thanks for getting in touch. I tried to check several scenarios where there could be a possible conflict between Open Graph, Rank Math, Kadence Gallery block, and Kadence in General.

    I apologize for the long screen recordings, but I believe they are necessary to demonstrate what we are trying to find out.

    1. First, I tried to add a page with a featured image to see if FB debugger will be able to fetch it while Kadence Gallery block is simply enabled but not used in the page. FB debugger is able to display the featured image, so I proceeded to add an image gallery to see if it will overwrite the featured image in favor of an image from the Advanced Gallery. The featured image is not replaced by ang image from the Advanced Gallery.

    Here’s a screen recording for reference: https://share.getcloudapp.com/z8um6vxw

    2. Then, I tried to create another test page where there is no featured image and inserted a Kadence Gallery block. FB debugger is able to display one image from the Advanced Gallery. I then, tried to add a featured image and the featured image was able to replace the image from the Advanced Gallery. Additionally, I tried to use Rank Math to assign an OG Image to the page, FB debugger is not able to display the image I assigned.

    Here’s a screen recording for reference: https://share.getcloudapp.com/p9uObE8d

    3. Since the image I assigned using Rank Math is not being displayed, I tried to disable Kadence Blocks, Kadence Blocks Pro, Kadence Pro, and changed the theme to Twenty Twenty-One to see if this will also occur without Kadence. The issue still persist even with any of those Kadence Products on my website. There are images that displays and there are images that are not being displayed, but they don’t seem to be related to Kadence.

    Here’s a screen recording for reference: https://share.getcloudapp.com/nOuXoBoj

    4. Finally, I tried to install and reactivate the Kadence Plugins and the Kadence Theme to see if the behavior is still similar, and it is. The images not being displayed doesn’t seem to be related to Kadence but depends on what images are being uploaded.

    Here’s a screen recording for reference: https://share.getcloudapp.com/4gur2DWl

    If you still wish to hide the Advanced Gallery block on your website, you can now do this in the Page Editor > Options > Preferences > Blocks settings. WordPress Core added this setting in a recent update, so the developers removed this setting in Kadence.

    Here’s a screen recording for reference: https://share.getcloudapp.com/geuRbJ12

    I hope this helps answer your inquiry. If you have further questions, please let us know, and we’ll be happy to help out.

    Best regards,

    THIS is how support looks like.

    Replicated this myself, with all plugins.



    The OpenGraph tags exist on the homepage and that’s why I asked to clear the SEO analysis data and run the SEO analysis again. However, I can check that the SEO analysis is still not able to detect the OG tags. Can you please check if there is some server-side caching and clear it? Once done, please run the SEO analysis again and let us know if the issue persists.

    The Twitter card is not able to show the image in the link preview for the same reason, the image URLs are returning a 404 error on your site. For example, the image that you have used for the homepage’s social image, if you visit that URL, it will show a 404 page instead of an actual image: https://mirisna.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Mirisna-logo-524×524-jpg.jpg

    I have checked in the troubleshooting mode with all the plugins disabled and the image URLs still return a 404 error that’s why I asked you to check with your host as this is not being caused by a plugin or theme. And if you check the screencast of Kadence support, even when the images were not being displayed for their test site in the debugger, FB was not returning an error for the og:image. But in your case, Facebook is able to detect the og:image tag but the image URL is not returning an image and that’s why it shows an ‘Invalid Content Type’ error.

    You can try using any other plugin to add the OpenGraph tags but if the image URLs are not working fine, FB or other social media platforms will not be able to show the image in the link preview. You should check with your host if there is some kind of encoding for the images or if the Hotlink protection is enabled.

    Let us know how that goes. Looking forward to helping you.

    Yes, Jaideep Asrani, thank you now for the right direction: wasn’t WebP, wasn’t any conflict: it was hotlinking protection on my server, all img formats were blocked for some reason. The host solved the problem.

    Thank you.



    Glad that helped.

    Please feel free to reach out to us again in case you need any other assistance.

    We are here to help.

    Thank you.

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