Hi from Germany.
I try RM to test – it is it realy better than y***st?
First – i think its very good. BUT I Had a horror Problem.I aktivate the auto update. After the last 2 updates a komplet Post is go away. like in secret mode.
I see him on Admin Dashbloard unter Last posted. I see it in counter that there should be 1 Posting in this category. But the List to edit is emmpty. No chance to edit the post.Other postings are still there.
So whats different
Elementor is used to design. works for a few days. but after update RankMath this posting is not findabel. The Frontenturl only shop Titel and Autor Box and no Content.
BUT !! 2 other ELementor Postings are still there
Differenz – the secret (lol) post had a Podcast File with the PowerPress Podcast Plugin.
It works everything. but one of the last 2 updates, think the first one this week, kill something
What is happend? Who can give me a Tipp
I must fill the Website now with a lot of new Podcast Content (just starded) and if nobody know the issues i must replace the Plugin with the old one .and i very sorry for my bad english.
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