All our imges are moved from WordPress Media Library through the Plugin WordPress Media Folder – Google Drive add-on to our Google Drive (about 12.000 images). If we use a featured image from Google Drive in a WordPress post it works great on our website. Even with the theme set thumbnails. However sharing that post to Facebook still shows our placeholder instead of the featured image.
If have submitted supporttickts about this to the plugin maker of WordPress Media Folder (JoomUnited), the have checked everything and cam to the conclusion that for Rank Math open graph images need to have an extention (*.jpeg, *.jpg, *.gif, *.png. They could not help on their end.
I read everything on your site about open graph image not showing, but it does not provide an answer to my question.
!!If I deactivate Rank Math Facebook images from Google Drive are shared again on Facebook, so something in Rank Math is preventing the Google Drive link (without image extention) to be recognised.
The following post: https://regioonline.nl/binnenland/treiterbuur-maatschappelijke-probleem/ has been given the featured image with the Google Drive add-on in WP Media Library https://drive.google.com/uc?id=16vxRg_L2JllThuTjr6Y30-juiFxaVXvl
The og:image tag in page code refers to our placeholder image of Rank Math and not our featured (Google Drive) image. (See: https://imgur.com/R0DTgnF
Please, is there a setting we have missed or can you solve this please? We use approximate 50 Facebook business pages on with we post our different content with a sharelink. Facebook sees only the placeholder image (stored with 17 other default images in WP Media Library in WP’s upload folder) and not the featured image from Google Drive.
As you can understand, for us as a Dutch newsorganisation it’s very important our images display well on socials to, but especially on Facebook.
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