Receiving PHP Warning from RankMath when performing searches using Geodirectory plugin. I had them look into this and received the following:
“tracked PHP Warning and found that it is coming from Rank Math plugin file. PHP Warning is coming from WordPress function get_taxonomy_labels() which is called from file \xyz\wp-content\plugins\seo-by-rank-math\includes\admin\class-admin-bar-menu.php line no. 226
Here is backtrace for the PHP Warning.
– RankMath\Admin_Bar_Menu->add_menu() \xyz\wp-includes\class-wp-hook.php:288
– RankMath\Admin_Bar_Menu->add_page_menu() \xyz\wp-content\plugins\seo-by-rank-math\includes\admin\class-admin-bar-menu.php:106
– RankMath\Admin_Bar_Menu->add_taxonomy_menu() \xyz\wp-content\plugins\seo-by-rank-math\includes\admin\class-admin-bar-menu.php:181
– get_taxonomy_labels() \xyz\wp-content\plugins\seo-by-rank-math\includes\admin\class-admin-bar-menu.php:226In file class-admin-bar-menu.php it does not validate the term object before calling get_taxonomy_labels() function and it results in PHP Warning.”
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