Thank you for contacting us.
You can follow this guide to implement schema on your website:
Regarding OpenGraph, just by adding the social image, title, and description, we automatically generate the required OpenGraph meta tags for the website. You can have a look at this guide for a quick reference: https://rankmath.com/kb/meta-box-social-tab/
You can also set a default OpenGraph Thumbnail from Rank Math > Titles & Meta > Global Meta > OpenGraph Thumbnail. Here’s a guide regarding this option: https://rankmath.com/kb/titles-and-meta/#open-graph-thumbnail
In addition to FB and Twitter, there are other social networks. How to customize markup for them?
Many social media platforms follow the OpenGraph protocols for fetching information about the page and hence the tags that we add work for most, if not all, of the social media platforms.
For Open Graph markup – what settings are set automatically?
As mentioned previously, only by setting the social image, title, and description, all the required tags are generated. However, if you’ll set a default OpenGraph thumbnail, then you would only need to set a socail image to the post/page where you want a custom image, other than the default one.
The Title and Description are, by default, automatically picked from the SEO Title and Description fields.
As I understand it, there are general settings and settings, there are settings for individual categories of pages, and there are settings for each page. What setup order should be, if any: regular pages, contacts, services, product pages (not a store, we sell paint in bulk).
If you’re referring to all the settings, then you can follow these guides to set up the plugin settings:
How to set up Sсhema markup for the homepage?
On the homepage, just the default schema should work fine as we already add the sitelinks searchbox along with some useful information about the organization/website.
So, unless you’re very specific about any schema that you wish to use, you would not require any schema, other than the default one, on the homepage.
Hope this helps.
Thnak you.