Currently, we can define how the title and description of each post type should be, and we also can add dynamic tags (like site title, etc…) => I’m talking about “Title and Meta” settings.
What is missing here which can be really useful, is Conditions. So, instead of having 1 single field to define the title or description structure, we be able to set conditions and have multiple cases. (And the condition is just the length of the actual content)
This way we can for example have:
1. If the content title is shorter than 110: %title% %sep% %sitename% (B2B)
2. If the content title is between 110 and 150: %title% %sep% B2B
3. If the content title is between 150 to 160: %title%
4. If the content title is longer than 160: %title”
(Same goes with description. Same examples as above, just instead of %title”, imagine %excerpt%)
This way we can set things up and make things automated and get rid of SEO-related issues like long titles or meta descriptions.
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