Hi –
I have two products which include a full stop in their name, which I need to include in the keyword:
https://www.doggieboat.co.uk/doggie-boat-shop/whistles/acme-210-5-dog-whistle/ and
https://www.doggieboat.co.uk/doggie-boat-shop/whistles/acme-211-5-dog-whistle/(Product Name and Keyword therefore 210.5 Dog Whistle and 211.5 Dog Whistle respectively.
Obviously, I can’t have the full stop in the URL, it has to be the hyphen. Is it right that I am being penalised for this? These are specific codes for these whistles which people will search for, so I am thinking your PlugIn should accept that the hyphen replaces the full stop in the URL.
Would appreciate your advice.
Kind Regards
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