Thank you for contacting Rank Math and sorry for any inconvenience that might have been caused due to that.
This error may suggest that you may be using either the variable %seo_title% or %seo_description% on your SEO title or meta description field.
The values from these fields are actually generated from the SEO title & description and thus using them on the same location causes an infinite loop.
Please replace the use of these variables with %title% and %excerpt% on your SEO meta fields to fix this.
Looking forward to helping you. Thank you.
Hello, thanks for answering.
I made all the changes you told me, there were some meta with a seo title, at the beginning I restored the database prior to the change, in wp-options, with the Rank Seo Results line or something like that, it didn’t work, then I deleted the line , neither.
We are using a Muffin BeTheme theme, and in each Portfolio Item that we try to improve with the plugin we get error 503. I wait for one last answer before uninstalling, it is a shame because it is a wonderful plugin, but we need to finish now with this to be online soon. Thanks for everything
Solved! In addition to what I did before, it turns out that in the Seo box on the portfolio page, the seo titles also appeared, all corrected, we are happy. thankks&goodbye
I have other question, I’ll open other ticket
I have updated the sensitive data as requested. Can you please check further?
Thank you.
I can not open another ticket, it seems that having one open …, the case is that I have doubts about how the Social field of the Seo box used in the portfolio page, a very good preview appears with the header photo and titles, but what do you have to do to share it? I have some share buttons but they don’t show this of the Social Math Rank … Thanks
I leave you an example url so you can see the buttons
Thank you for contacting Rank Math today.
I am glad that this is now resolved 🙂
In regards to the second issue, Rank Math does not have a feature to automatically share the post to social media. Please note that Rank Math will add the OG data that is visible on the preview on the <head> section of your pages and copying the post URL to your social media should be able to display the same data.
Please ensure that your social sharing plugin does not have the opengraph tags enabled.
Looking forward to helping you. Thank you.