Hi, in google search i get this error for specifict pages “Indexed, not submitted in sitemap” under Coverage.
the link is in the site map and if i do a google search i can find it in the resuts.
HOw can i fix this error on search console?
Thank you for contacting us and we regret the inconvenience caused.
Could you please share the URL of your website so that we can check this further?
Looking forward to helping you.
Thank you.
Indexed, Not Submitted in Sitemap is not an issue, it only means that Google has already indexed the posts/pages but not through the sitemap.
It is possible that Google is crawling your website and indexing the posts, pages through the internal links on your website and not through the sitemap, and as a result, the crawl budget for your website is exhausted and Google is not able to discover the URLs through your sitemap.
There is nothing to worry about as long as the posts/pages are getting crawled and indexed.
Please exclude the Sitemap files of the Rank Math plugin in your caching plugin. The cache could be via a plugin or from the server. For plugins or Cloudflare, please follow this article:
https://rankmath.com/kb/exclude-sitemaps-from-caching/Once done, clear the website cache and resubmit sitemap_index.xml and wait for Google to crawl the sitemap.
I checked your robots.txt file, please edit the robots.txt file and enter the sitemap in a new line. Your robots.txt file should look like this:
User-agent: * Disallow: /wp-admin/ Allow: /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php Sitemap: https://www.swogas.com/sitemap_index.xml
Here is a guide for your reference:
https://rankmath.com/kb/how-to-edit-robots-txt-with-rank-math/I hope this helps. Looking forward to helping you.
Thank you. i have made the modifications.
Let’s see.
Please feel free to get in touch with us again if you need further assistance. We are here to assist.
Looking forward to your update.
HI I have made the modification to the robot file but now google search it gives me the ame error “Indexed, not submitted in sitemap” in every page.
Please advise.
my robot is the below now
User-agent: *
Disallow: /wp-admin/
Allow: /wp-admin/admin-ajax.phpHello,
I checked the sitemap, two variations of the sitemap are returning 200 status, you can check using https://httpstatus.io/:
Please ensure that only 1 version of the sitemap is working (200 status), and the rest are redirecting to it.
Please follow the steps in this link:
https://rankmath.com/kb/couldnt-fetch-error-google-search-console/#5-check-for-the-correct-version-of-the-sitemap and redirect to the correct version.Then, make sure that the sitemaps are correctly excluded from caching, if you are using Cloudflare, you should exclude the sitemaps from caching from there as well:
https://rankmath.com/kb/exclude-sitemaps-from-caching/Once done, clear your website cache and re-submit the sitemap in the Search Console.
However, as my colleague advised, Indexed, Not Submitted in Sitemap is not an issue, it only means that Google has already indexed the posts/pages but not through the sitemap.
There is nothing to worry about as long as the posts/pages are getting crawled and indexed.
I hope this helps.
Looking forward to helping you.
HI I started to follow what suggested on the firs link. 1 step to validate the sitemap.
when i do that i get the below error
There was an error while accessing the URL specified:
https://reddotcreations.com/sitemap_index.xmlwhen i follow the link sometimes it goes on the sitemap and sometimes it goes on the 404 page.
Any suggestions?
I can check that your sitemap is validating fine:
However, the WWW version of your sitemap is still returning a 200 ok status while it should redirect to the non-WWW version. Please follow the guide provided by my colleague to fix the issue.
Looking forward to helping you.
Hi, I am checking the sitemap on the site i was advised to https://www.xml-sitemaps.com/ and when i do that i get
There was an error while accessing the URL specified:
https://reddotcreations.com/sitemap_index.xmlAlso checking on https://httpstatus.io/ and it does not look right there neither.
if I test https://www.reddotcreations.com/sitemap_index.xml i get 4 resuts all both Https and Http with and without www. they are all with errors time out, no redirections.
If i run the https://reddotcreations.com/sitemap_index.xml i get the four results
http://www.reddotcreations.com/sitemap_index.xml 301 301 200
http://reddotcreations.com/sitemap_index.xml 301 200
https://www.reddotcreations.com/sitemap_index.xml 301 200
https://reddotcreations.com/sitemap_index.xml 200it is all a bit confusing.
I have checked the tutorial you suggested and it talks how to redirect a non-www to a www and you asked me to redirect a www to a non-www which is the opposite.
Please advise
I checked your sitemaps, they are returning a 404 error.
Please flush the Sitemap cache by following this video screencast:
https://i.rankmath.com/pipRDpThen clear the website cache, and check the sitemap with XML Sitemap Validator:
https://www.xml-sitemaps.com/validate-xml-sitemap.htmlIf it is validated, resubmit the sitemap_index.xml in the Search Console.
I hope this helps.
Looking forward to helping you.
Hi, I have done what you said. Flushed the sitemap, cleaned the site cache and check the sitemap validator which returned green. resubmitted the sitemap to google.
If i go to https://httpstatus.io/ and enter the 4 sitemap addresses i get
https://www.reddotcreations.com/sitemap_index.xml 301 200
https://reddotcreations.com/sitemap_index.xml 301 200
http://www.reddotcreations.com/sitemap_index.xml 200
http://reddotcreations.com/sitemap_index.xml 200can you please advise if this how supposed to be?
All the other versions should show 301 and 200 status, then the final version should be 200.
I’ve also checked your site, and they are accessible with or without the WWW. You may need to decide which version of your site should be the final version. Once done, redirect the other versions.
You may need to get in touch with your web host to properly redirect your website versions to the final URL.
I hope that helps.
Thank you.
Hi I spoke to my server provider and they said that everyting redirect to https://reddotcreations.com
Now links they all have 301 and 200 i believe, can you please check?
ALso in google search console i submitted the site map yesterday and i get some errors. Can i attach a screnneshot somehow?
I checked the sitemap, two variations of the sitemap are returning 200 status, you can check using https://httpstatus.io/:
Your website is redirecting to one version but the sitemap is not redirecting.
You can check https://www.reddotcreations.com/sitemap_index.xml is returning a blank page, when it should redirect to the https://reddotcreations.com/sitemap_index.xml.
Please ask your web host to redirect all the other variations of the sitemap to one final variation.
You can share screenshots using https://imgbb.com/.
I hope this helps.
Looking forward to helping you.
Since we did not hear back from you for 15 days, we are assuming that you found the solution. We are closing this support ticket.
If you still need assistance or any other help, please feel free to open a new support ticket, and we will be more than happy to assist.
Thank you.
The ticket ‘Indexed, not submitted in sitemap’ is closed to new replies.