Search Console Profile

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  • Todd
    Rank Math free

    Hi Mi,

    Thanks for getting in touch with us.

    Please make sure that you have verified the correct version of your website on the Google Search Console (http or https, www or non-www).

    Then, please make sure that the Google account you used to connect your Google Search Console profile is the same one you have used to verify your domain on GSC.

    If it still doesn’t work, we have found that using a different Google account to verify your domain and connect your website usually works. Or, you can try using the Google Site Kit if it still won’t work and disable the Search Console inside Rank Math by going to WordPress Dashboard > Rank Math > Dashboard

    I hope that helps and please do not hesitate to let us know if you need our assistance with anything else.

    Not working, can you please help me out with that, the information is not showing up and I won’t use a different email, the email is a business email I cannot just add a persona email to it, I need a solution please thanks

    Rank Math free

    Hi Mi,

    Please add s******@r*********** as an owner so we can take a closer look.

    got resolved thanks

    Rank Math free

    Hi Mi,

    I am so glad to be of help. We are always here if you need us in the future.

    Hey, if it isn’t too much to ask for – would you mind leaving us a review here?

    It only takes a couple of minutes but helps us tremendously.

    It would mean so much to us.

    Thank you.

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