Several issues

  • Resolved Jorge Ferreira
    Rank Math free

    Hi, can you help me with these issues please?


    1. I have alot of products in my store. How can i force the RankMath score on my products list? Unless i update the products one by one, i can’t see the RankMath’s score. I get a “N/A” in all of them.

    2. Alt attribute. Even though i dont get “All images on your page have alt attributes.
    ” in the Image ALT Attributes on my homepage, if i test for example, i get these issues: Some images on your page have no alt attribute. (6).
    These are my settings:

    3. SEO Analysis: “Could not check Focus Keywords in posts – the post meta table exceeds the size limit.”
    I searched the forums for the fix:
    add_filter( 'rank_math/seo_analysis/postmeta_table_limit', function( $limit ) {
    return 500000;
    } );

    Regardless, i had to change it to 600000. Is this having any impact on my site? i’m finding it slower than usual and i’m getting some 502 and 504 errors every now and then. Can you please explain in detail what this does?

    4. Is there a fix for when the Focus Keyword = the product title, but the product title has special characters?

    5. Is there a fix for when the product title has special characters, but the url can’t have them?

    6. SEO Analysis: The www and non-www versions of your URL are not redirected to the same site. I believe they are. Why am i getting this error?

    7. SEO Analysis: No keywords found in the page title and the description. I don’t understand how i can fix this, where can i had these keywords?

    Thanks in advance for your help.

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  • Anas
    Rank Math business


    Thank you for contacting Rank Math, and sorry for any inconvenience caused.

    1. Did you import the data from any other SEO plugin?
    If yes, that is the reason why the list view shows N/A.

    The tests work when you open the post or page and then the JS for calculating the test runs. When the test runs and you hit the update button, the score is calculated and gets propagated to the list view as well. Since you imported the keywords, the JS didn’t run and the score didn’t calculate. You will need to open the post, let the tests run, make optimizations based on our recommendations, save the post/page and the score will get propagated to the list view.

    Unfortunately, there is no feasible way to automate this process.

    2. Rank Math only adds missing ALT attributes, title, caption, description for images added in post or page content(inside the content editor), it will not do so for images used in headers, sidebars, footers, etc, and the images added using other plugins.

    Also, the ALT text and description will be applied on the fly, Rank Math does not add these values to your database but instead applies the tag dynamically when displaying the page.

    3. If your website has got over 200K rows in the post meta table, then Rank Math returns a notice for the focus keyword test, as it exceeds the limit. You should increase the limit and re-run the SEO Analysis. However, 5xx errors are usually caused due to server misconfiguration or other server issues. Could you please check the error log and see if there are any errors related to Rank Math?

    4. You can use special characters in the Focus Keyword and Title but the focus keyword should be an exact match keyword. Also, you cannot use some characters like ,.

    5. WordPress automatically removes special characters from URLs. Forcing WordPress to accept special characters in URLs could potentially break the links.

    6. The www and non www versions are not redirected to the same site. You can check with this tool and follow this guide to fix the issue:

    7. In this test, Rank Math checks your page for the presence of useful keywords in the Title and the Description. If keywords are found, you pass the test. As you are failing the test, try to add some keywords related to your primary keywords in the title and description at Rank Math > Titles & Meta > Homepage

    I hope this helps. Looking forward to helping you.


    Since we did not hear back from you for 15 days, we are assuming that you found the solution. We are closing this support ticket.

    If you still need assistance or any other help, please feel free to open a new support ticket, and we will be more than happy to assist.

    Thank you.

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