Breadcrumbs show page titles but not post titles

  • Resolved Jon Wright
    Rank Math free

    Hi – I have read this support ticket but it’s not quite what I want. I would like for breadcrumbs to show page titles when on a page but not show post titles when on a post. Hope that makes sense.

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  • It’s ok, I worked it out. Code is below for anyone else that needs it.

    // Add Rankmath PHP below
    	add_filter( 'rank_math/frontend/breadcrumb/settings', function( $settings ) {
    global $post;
    		if ( is_single() )
    	$settings = array(
    		'remove_title'   => true,
    	return $settings;
    Rank Math agency


    We’re glad that you got that sorted and thank you for sharing the fix.

    Please feel free to get in touch if you require any further assistance.

    Thank you.

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