Thank you for contacting Rank Math today
You can use the PRO version on as many personal websites as you want, as long as they are 100% yours and not for a client or a partnership. A personal website can be a business, earn you money, and even be sold to others, but it must be yours.
The personal license has a fair usage policy that prohibits you from using the PRO on a client website or sharing it with your friends and relatives. If our systems identify any form of abuse, we will tell you. If the misuse continues, we will manually evaluate your account, and if you are only utilizing the license on your personal websites, there will be no action done.
We use a few different methods for detecting abuse which is confidential and cannot be shared publicly for obvious reasons.
You can also check more information about our pricing:
I hope this information is helpful, and please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any additional support.
Thank you.
Glad that helped.
Please feel free to reach out to us again in case you need any other assistance.
We are here to help.
Thank you.