I have moved from GoDaddy to Verpex the Name servers are pointed at Cloudflare however, I didnt delete the old copy of my website from the GoDaddy server.I exported and imported all the content of the old site to a new theme before exporting the site so the new theme is on GoDaddy and Verpex but the Verpex site is more populated than the one on GoDaddy as I stopped working on it.
When I optimise each listing using rankmath the url is already populated and rankmath says I’ve already used the keyword before. I spoke to GoDaddy and they said to try deactivating the plugin in the site on their server. I did that and then found the plugin had also deactivated on the new server. So I reactivated it on GoDaddy and now its reactivated on Verpex. I checked the keywords and it seems like that issue is now corrected. I would like to delete the old site however, there is clearly something linking the plugin on both sites, so I’m worried if I delete the old website on the old server, that the plugin will be deleted on the server and I will loose all the work I’ve done. Can you help ?
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