Good Morning Rank Math Team,
When I’m using RANK Math and trying to fix all the RANK Math SEO advices from your Rank Math Box, specially the Rank Math Box for any POST, when I set all the words for main Snippet: Title, descriptrion and URL, moreover 4-5 keywords, the Plug-In indicates me everything is around 88% (green bars), and once that I Update Post, all Title Changes dissapear, and comes to the old Title Post.Please, I need help, because it makes me the same thing with other client projects.
Some data:
Title desired: Educación EMOCIONAL Nº1 🥉 Enséñales Cómo Expresar EMOCIONES
Rank Math score for Title Desired: 81/100Title showed after saving: Cómo enseñar a tus hijos a expresar sus emociones
Rank Math score for this title: 39/100Thanks in advance. Starting to love your app…
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