Hi dear support team
It seems that this plug-in is not working fine with the Persian date format.
as I checked the search console section on the wp-admin console an E-mail sent to me with the following error detail.Error details
An E_ERROR error occurred on line 77 of the /home/khatamta/public_html/wp-content/plugins/seo-by-rank-math/includes/class-helper.php file. Error Message: Uncaught Exception: DateTime :: __ construct (): Failed to parse time string (۱۳۹۸-۰۹-۰۲ ۰۵:۰۱:۱۶) at position 0 (�): Unexpected character in / home / khatamta / public_html / wp-content /plugins/seo-by-rank-math/includes/class-helper.php:77
Stack trace:
# 0 /home/……../wp-content/plugins/seo-by-rank-math/includes/class-helper.php(77): DateTime -> __ construct (‘\ xDB \ xB1 \ xDB \ xB3 \ xDB \ xB9 \ xDB \ xB8- \ xDB \ xB0 \ xDB \ xB9- \ xDB … ‘)
# 1 /home/……../wp-content/plugins/seo-by-rank-math/includes/modules/search-console/class-search-console.php(123): RankMath \ Helper :: get_midnight (‘ \ xDB \ xB1 \ xDB \ xB3 \ xDB \ xB9 \ xDB \ xB8- \ xDB \ xB0 \ xDB \ xB9- \ xDB … ‘)
# 2 /home/……../wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(286): RankMath \ Search_Console \ Search_Console-> dashboard_widget ()
# 3 /home/……../wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(310): WP_Hook-> apply_filters (”, Array)
# 4 /home/……../wp-includes/plugin.php(531): WP_Hook-> do_action (Array)
# 5 / home /……../ wp-content / plugins / seo-bycould you please help me to fix this issue?
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