Social media image doesn’t show up

  • Resolved Businezz
    Rank Math free


    I am using RankMath free version, i have set social media image under global settings and it does work with standard wordpress posts and pages. I installed BetterDocs plugin: I set different social image and it does not show up at all when i share posts from this plugin. If i go under each betterdocs post and set social image it does work…

    I’ve contacted BetterDocs support and they confirmed that everything was good on their end, and they asked me to open a support ticket here.

    What could cause this issue and not showing social image?

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  • Prabhat
    Rank Math agency


    Thanks for contacting us and we regret the inconvenience caused.

    Could you please share some of the affected URLs so that we can further investigate the issue? You can add the URLs in the sensitive data section of this ticket.

    Looking forward to helping you.



    I have updated the sensitive data as requested. Can you please check further?

    Thank you.

    Rank Math agency


    Thanks for your reply.

    I checked the page’s source and I was able to find the og:image tag.

    Further, using the Facebook’s Debugger Tool, I tested your the page and the image was displayed without any issues.

    Please see the screenshots available in the sensitive data section of this ticket and confirm it on your end.

    Could you please record and share a screencast of the issue using a tool like loom, as it will help us understand the insights of the issue.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.



    I have updated the sensitive data as requested. Can you please check further?

    Thank you.

    It picks the first available image as a OG image, not the one uploaded in global settings from Rank Math. In the other link i shared, i have set image in the article it self and the same image is set in global settings in rank math, which should be displaying by default on all articles created with BetterDocs plugin. Or i am i wrong?

    Rank Math agency


    Thanks for your reply.

    I tested the new URL using Facebook’s Debugger Tool, and since the URL was never shared on Facebook, I fetched fresh data and the image is displayed accordingly.

    Please see the screenshot in the sensitive data section.

    Hope this helps.


    That image on the second article is set as a social image in the article it self, that’s why it’s showing up on Facebook shared link.

    Like the first one i shared, it doesn’t have social image in the article it self and it’s picking the first available image from the post even i have set social image in global settings for these types of articles…

    In this case if i want to use social images, i have to upload them separately in each article since rank math is not getting the uploaded social image in the settings…

    Rank Math agency


    Thanks for getting back to us.

    Could you please confirm whether you’ve set a featured image on the first post that you shared?

    Also, please double-check the dimensions of the openGraph thumbnail that you’ve set under your WordPress admin area > Rank Math > Titles & Meta > Global > openGraph Thumbnail.

    The recommended dimensions are 1200 X 630 pixels.

    Lastly, please edit and update the post and see if the global image is picked.

    Please let us know how that goes.



    The dimensions are correct. I don’t have set featured image.


    Thank you for the follow-up, and sorry for the delay.

    The default social sharing image shows up only when:
    1. You have not uploaded any featured image to a post
    2. You are not using even a single image inside the post
    3. You have not used any image in the social tab:

    If any of these are true, then that image will be used instead of the default social image. If you wish to force the use of default social image, please paste this code in your theme’s functions.php file:

    add_filter('rank_math/opengraph/pre_set_content_image', function() {
    	return true;

    I hope that helps. Thank you, and please don’t hesitate to contact us anytime if you need further assistance with anything else.

    That looks like it worked. But, it’s using the default thumbnail image set from the settings, and when BetterDocs is installed, i have option in RankMath to set different image for post from BetterDocs plugin. Is there anyway to call that specific image for betterdocs plugin posts only?

    Rank Math agency


    Thanks for your reply.

    Unfortunately, we do not have a ready code for this.

    However, you can modify the code snippet provided by my colleague to achieve the desired output. You may also hire a developer to do this for you.

    Hope this helps.



    Rank Math agency


    Thanks for your reply.

    If you have another question in the future, please feel free to create a new forum topic, and it will be our pleasure to assist you again.

    Thank you.

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