Conflicto con Pluging Elementor

  • Resolved Elisa
    Rank Math free

    Hola, me encanta este pluging SEO pero desde hace tiempo no me carga, he estado buscando y realizando varias comprobaciones y pruebas y ya he localizado el fallo… al desinstalar el pluging Elementor si me carga RankMath. El problema es que Elementor tengo que tenerlo instalado y no me gustaría prescindir de RankMath.

    Muchas gracias

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  • Hello,

    Thank you for contacting the support, and sorry for any inconvenience that might have been caused due to that.

    I can’t seem to replicate the issue you are having on my end.

    We might need to take a closer look at the settings. Please edit the first post on this ticket and include your WordPress & FTP logins in the designated Sensitive Data section.
    Sensitive Data Section

    It is completely secure and only our support staff has access to that section. If you want, you can use the below plugin to generate a temporary login URL to your website and share that with us instead: You can use the above plugin in conjunction with the WP Security Audit Log to monitor what changes our staff might make on your website (if any): We really look forward to helping you.

    Rank Math free

    Gracias por su pronta respuesta. He instalado el pluging que me indica para realizar un acceso temporal:

    Muchas gracias

    Rank Math free

    Antes no me cargaba para editar una página , salvo que activase el modo seguro, pero cada vez son más las páginas afectadas y al desinstalar RankMath carga bien. Le dejo como ejemplo dos enlaces

    Muchas gracias


    I noticed some JS script error when I try to load a page.

    Can you please try reinstalling the Rank Math plugin to see if it fixes the issue? If it doesn’t, we will further investigate this with our developers.

    Let us know how it goes. We are looking forward to hearing an update from you.

    Rank Math free

    Hola Jeremy, ante todo gracias por su respuesta y deseo de ayudarme.
    Ya lo hice antes de molestaros para descartar opciones e incluso lo re-instale de dos formas diferentes desde el buscador de plugins de Worpress y descargándome el complemento desde la web de RankMath pero el problema persiste.


    Thank you for the update, and sorry for the delay.

    I’ve checked your site and noticed some PHP values that are too low and which you should increase:

    Max input time: 150
    PHP time limit: 120

    If you need assistance setting these, you can get in touch with your web host and ask them to set the following values.

    Once done, please clear your website’s cache and see if the issue still persists.

    I hope that helps. Thank you, and looking forward to your update.

    Rank Math free

    Buenas noches Reinelle. Antes de nada, darte también las gracias por tu ayuda. He realizado las modificaciones que indicas y borrado caché y desgraciadamente sigue igual no obstante he dejado los valores que recomiendas.


    Thank you for that information, and sorry for the delay.

    I’ve already raised this issue to our dev team for further investigation and will get back to you shortly. We would really appreciate your kind patience regarding this matter.

    Meanwhile, please don’t hesitate to contact us anytime to assist you further with anything else.

    Thank you.

    Rank Math free

    Ok, mientras tanto iré haciendo, como hasta ahora, desactivando el pluging cada vez que edito mi plantilla con elementor. Quedo a la espera de alguna respuesta ya que no me gustaría trabajar con otro que no sea RankMath, por ahora me gusta mucho y lo suelo recomendar. Dejaré el enlace temporal activo por si necesitais entrar también he visto que has activado el pluging Classic Editor, lo dejaré activo hasta que me digas que ya no lo necesitas.
    De nuevo mil gracias por vuestra ayuda.


    Thank you for keeping the login link active. We will be needing that access so our developers can further check the issue. We should get back to you with a solution or feedback shortly.

    In the meantime, please don’t hesitate to contact us anytime if you need our assistance with anything else.

    Thank you so much for your time and patience on this one.

    Rank Math free

    Hola, quería saber si tienen alguna novedad.
    He actualizado los plugings con la esperanza que pueda arreglarse el problema pero sigue igual. Tengo que seguir desinstalando RankMath cada vez que edito las páginas afectadas eliminando e instalando el plugins continuamente ya que una de paginas es de ofertas y tengo que editarla continuamente.
    De nuevo gracias por vuestra ayuda


    Thanks for getting back to us.

    Upon inspecting your website further we noticed that this issue was caused by some incorrect entries related to rich snippets in your database.

    Upon deleting the corrupt entries your pages started loading all fine in Elementor.

    If you have any other questions don’t hesitate to get in touch.

    Rank Math free

    Hola Miguel, Lo he probado y ya va perfecto. Gracias!!! Muchas gracias! qué alegría!Ya me veía instalando otro pluging de Seo.
    Gracias de nuevo


    We are super happy that this issue is already resolved. If you have any other questions in the future, know that we are here to help you.

    If you don’t mind us asking, could you please leave us a review (if you haven’t already) on about your overall experience with Rank Math? We appreciate your time and patience.

    If you have another question in the future, please feel free to create a new forum topic, and it will be our pleasure to assist you again.

    Thank you.

    Rank Math business


    We are super happy that your issue is resolved. If you have any other questions in the future, know that we are here to help you.

    If you don’t mind me asking, could you please leave us a review (if you haven’t already) on about your overall experience with Rank Math? We appreciate your time and patience.

    If you do have another question in the future, please feel free to create a new forum topic, and it will be our pleasure to assist you again.

    Thank you.

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