I had already opened a ticket but marked it as resolved even though it is not unfortunately.
The problem I still have is that after switching from AIO SEO to RankMath the site name (%sitename%) does not appear anymore in the single page title. Before I switched to rankmath it worked fine and the site title appeared at the end of every single seo-page-title. However, now it is gone even though I have set the settings correctly (at least this is what I assume).
One of you suggested the following code
add_action( 'rank_math/frontend/title', function( $title ) { global $post; if(is_singular('page')){ $ptitle = RankMath\Helper::get_settings( "titles.pt_{$post->post_type}_title" ); $title = RankMath\Helper::replace_vars($ptitle, $post); return $title; } });
However, this does remove all the individual seo titles which I have set manually for every single page.
Since I have more than 1700 pages, I can not add the site title manually to each page. However, when I create a new page, then the site title is added automatically.
I have sent you a temporary link, so maybe you have any help for me.
I do not want to annoy you with my problem. I just would like to know whether there is any way to get the site title added to every single page. If not, I am fine with it.
Best Regards,
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