Thank you for contacting the support.
We removed the Social Meta options for “sameAs” Schema because Google/Yandex doesn’t use it anymore. It is like the keyword meta tags that many webmasters spend extra time on but it is also ignored by Google and there is zero advantage of having the sameAs code just like there is zero advantage if you have the meta keywords on your website.
Google has changed a lot and they get more intelligent every passing minute with AI and countless algorithms they have in place. They pick the Social profiles from across the web and they do not need you to have the “sameAs” tag to show the social profiles in your Knowledge Panel.
Here is an example you can confirm from your end as well.
If you search for “Walmart”, these are all the social profiles you see:

Go to their website and you will notice that they don’t have a single “sameAs” tag:

You can run it through the Google Rich Results test as well and notice they don’t have any Schema for those social profiles:

As you can see, the social profiles are shown in the knowledge panel not because you have the “sameAs” code, but rather because you are an established brand with a strong social media presence.
This is why we removed the “sameAs” tags in Rank Math and here are links from Google and Bing that essentially tell you that having sameAs tags doesn’t affect the addition or removal of social profiles from your knowledge panel:

If you still want to add it, then you can use the following filter by adding it to your theme’s functions.php or by using a plugin like Code Snippets:
add_filter( 'rank_math/json_ld', function( $data, $jsonld ) {
if ( isset( $data['publisher'] ) ) {
$data['publisher']['sameAs'] = ['https://twitter.com/RankMath', 'https://facebook.com/....'];
return $data;
}, 99, 2 );
Hope that helps and please do not hesitate to let us know if you need our assistance with anything else.