Rank Math Business Keyword limits

  • Resolved Jorge
    Rank Math free


    I’m interested in purchasing Rank Math Business so I can set it up on client sites. I can see there is currently a limit of 200 websites and 20,000 keywords per account, which is fine.

    How can I set a keyword limit per site?

    If I set it up for customers, apparently nothing will stop them from adding keywords themselves, which means some of them could set up thousands of keywords if they wanted to.

    Best regards,

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  • Publi
    Rank Math free

    I’m interested on this as well, got the same question as Jorge.

    Rank Math free

    Any updates on this?

    Is it 20000 per website, or 20000 per account?

    Rank Math free

    As far as I know is based per account, so 20K total.

    BTW the thread question is different 🙂


    Thank you for your query and we are so sorry about the trouble this must have caused.

    The 20000 limit is per account.

    We do not have an option to control the keyword tracking limit per website but we are working on that functionality.

    Hope that helps and please do not hesitate to let us know if you need our assistance with anything else.


    Since we did not hear back from you for 15 days, we are assuming that you found the solution. We are closing this support ticket.

    If you still need assistance or any other help, please feel free to open a new support ticket, and we will be more than happy to assist.

    Thank you.

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